Course agenda
- Layered Communication Models: OSI and TCP/IP Models
- Ethernet Fundamentals
- Cisco Router Fundamentals and Configuration
- Cisco LAN Switch Fundamentals
- LAN Switching Fundamentals
- The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) and the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)
- Virtual LANs (VLANs) and Trunking
- Internet Protocol (IP) Fundamentals
- Routing IP, Static Routing and Routing Protocols
- RIP (Routing Information Protocol), IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) and RIP Version 2
- OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) and EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Fundamentals
- Wide Area Networking (WAN) Fundamentals
- Point-to-point WAN Protocols
- ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) and DDR (Dial-on-demand Routing)
- Frame Relay
- IP Access Control Lists
1 CCNA 640-801 - Layered Communication Models: OSI and TCP/IP Models
- Introduction to layered models
- Benefits of Using a Layered Model
- Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model
- Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Datalink, Physical
- TCP/IP Model
- Application, Transport, Internetwork, Network Interface
- TCP/IP Data Encapsulation
- Section summary and end-of-section review questions
2 CCNA 640-801 - Ethernet Fundamentals
- Introduction to Ethernet
- Ethernet and the OSI model
- Layer 1 functions
- Layer 2 functions -
- Arbitration, Addressing (MAC), Error Detection (FCS), Encapsulated data identification
- Overview of LAN cabling
- Coaxial, Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP), Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) and Fibre-optic cable
- Coaxial cable as used with 10BASE5 and 10BASE2
- Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)
- Fibre-optic cabling and connectors
- The older Ethernet standards - 10BASE5 (Thick Ethernet) and 10BASE2 (Thin Ethernet)
- Using repeaters with 10BASE5 and 10ASE2
- More recent types of Ethernet:
- 10BASE-T
- 100BASE-T (Fast Ethernet)
- 1000BASE-T (Gigabit Ethernet)
- 10Gigabit Ethernet
- Ethernet frame formats:
- Ethernet V2
- IEEE 802.3
- Sub Network Access Protocol (SNAP)
- Ethernet addresses - The MAC address - Physical/Unicast, Multicast and Broadcast
- Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detect (CSMA/CD)
- Performance limitations as a result of collisions
- Methods to reduce collisions
- LAN switching
- Full-duplex Ethernet
- Wireless LANs - IEEE 802.11
- Section summary and end-of-section review questions
3 CCNA 640-801 - Cisco Router Fundamentals and Configuration
- Introduction to the Internet Operating System (IOS)
- Access to the CLI
- CLI Passwords
- CLI Help
- Editing of currently displayed command using short-cut key sequences
- Router history commands
- Router Memory
- Configuration files
- Initial configuration (Setup mode)
- IOS software
- Backing up / Loading IOS image
- IOS boot sequence
- Which OS to load?
- Password Recovery
- Using Host Names
- Telnet to a router and suspending the Telnet session
- Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)
- Configuring the Cisco router
- Basic configuration
- Configuring IP addresses
- Viewing the routing table
- Various other basic commands
- Section summary and end-of-section review questions
4 CCNA 640-801 - Cisco LAN Switch Fundamentals
- Introduction to the Cisco 2950 LAN switch
- A look at the 2950 operating system
- Configuring the 2950 through the Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Initial configuration mode
- 2950 configuration files
- A quick overview of the Cisco 1900 switch range and differences from the 2950
- Section summary and end-of-section review questions
5 CCNA 640-801 - LAN Switching Fundamentals
- Introduction to bridging and switching
- Separation of collision domains - LAN segmentation
- Overview of transparent bridging
- Ethernet switching:
- MAC address learning
- Forwarding and filtering of frames
- Broadcast, multicast and unknown unicast frame handling
- Cut-through switching / Fragment-free switching / Store and forward switching
- Full duplex operation
- Auto-negotiation
- Loops in bridged/switched networks
- The problem
- The solution - Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
- Operation of and configuration of a Cisco 2950 LAN switch
- Configuring port security on a Cisco 2950
- A look at various 2950 commands
- Section summary and end-of-section review questions
6 CCNA 640-801 - The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) and the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)- The IEEE 802.1d Spanning Tree Protocol - STP
- Overview of the Spanning Tree algorithm
- The Spanning Tree Protocol explained
- Ports and The Spanning Tree
- Root Bridge election
- Root Port selection
- Designated bridge and Designated Port selection
- Bridge (Switch) Port States
- Responding to network changes
- STP and EtherChannel
- STP and PortFast
- The IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
- Port Roles
- Root port, designated port, alternate port, backup port and disabled port
- Port States
- Rapid Convergence
- Configuring Spanning Tree Protocol on the Cisco 2950
- A look at various STP and RSTP commands on the Cisco 2950
- Section summary and end-of-section review questions
7 CCNA 640-801 - Virtual LANs (VLANs) and Trunking- Overview of VLAN concepts and operation
- Trunking between switches
- Cisco Inter-Switch Link - ISL
- IEEE 802.1Q
- A comparison between ISL and IEEE 802.1Q
- Trunking Between a Switch and a Router
- VLAN Trunking Protocol - VTP
- VLAN configuration on the Cisco 2950
- VLAN trunking configuration on the Cisco 2950
- Section summary and end-of-section review questions
8 CCNA 640-801 - Internet Protocol (IP) Fundamentals
- Introduction to the Internet Protocol (IP)
- OSI layer 3 functions
- Path selection (routing), interaction with layer 2, network layer addressing, routing protocols
- The IP packet header
- IP addressing
- Dotted decimal notation and binary view
- Converting between dotted decinal notation and binary
- Class A, Class B, Class C (Class D and Class E) addresses - The first octet rule
- Network address masks
- Converting IP addresses between decimal and binary format
- Subnetting
- Subnet masks and prefix notation
- Using the logical AND function to find network/subnet and host numbers
- Subnetting on an octet boundary
- Breaking the octet boundary
- How many subnets and hosts per subnet are available?
- Subnet zero and the all-ones subnet
- Calculating subnet number, subnet broadcast address and the range of host addresses in a subnet using binary.
- Calculating subnet number, subnet broadcast address and the range of host addresses in a subnetwithoutusing binary.
- IP subnetting guidelines to meet a given design requirement
- Variable Length Subnet Masking - VLSM
- Classless Inter-Domang Routing - CIDR
- Private Addressing
- Network Address Translation (NAT) and Port Address Translation (PAT)
- Static NAT
- Dynamic NAT
- Port Address Translation (PAT)
- Configuring NAT
- Using secondary IP addresses
- Other layer 3 functions:
- Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
- Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
- Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP)
- Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
- Domain Name System
- Section summary and end-of-section review questions
9 CCNA 640-801 - Routing IP, Static Routing and Routing Protocols- Routing
- Routing tables
- Static routing and its configuration
- Summary Route
- Floating Static Routes and Load Sharing
- Default routes
- Routing protocols
- Routed vs. Routing Protocols
- Dynamic Routing Protocols
- Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP) and Exterior Gateway Protocols (EGP)
- Routing Metrics
- Types of Dynamic Routing Protocol
- Distance Vector routing protocols
- Routing Information Protocol (RIP) Version 1
- RIP Version 2
- Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IRGP)
- Link-State Routing Protocols
- Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
- Integrated Interior System to Interior System (IS-IS)
- Balanced Hybrid routing protocols
- The Internet EGP - Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
- Classful and Classless routing
- Classful and Classless Routing protocols
- Route summarisation
- Autosummarisation
- Checking routes with Ping and extended Ping
- Section summary and end-of-section review questions
10 CCNA 640-801 - RIP (Routing Information Protocol), IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) and RIP Version 2- Overview of Distance Vector routing protocols
- Routing loops and how to overcome them
- Route Poisoning
- Split Horizon
- Split Horizon with Poison Reverse
- Hold-down Timer
- Triggered (Flash) updates
- Auto-summarisation
- Discontiguous networks when using auto-summarisation
- Routing Information Protocol Version 1(RIP-1)
- RIP-1 parameters and metrics
- Configuring RIP-1
- Viewing various RIP show and debug commands
- Overview of RIP-2
- Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP)
- IGRP Parameters and metrics
- Configuring IGRP
- Viewing various IGRP show and debug commands
- Using administrative distance when multiple routes to the same subnet exist
- Section summary and end-of-section review questions
11 CCNA 640-801 - OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) and EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)- Link State Routing Protocols
- Overview of Link-State routing protocols
- Avoiding loops with Link-State routing protocols
- Overview of the Dijkstra algprithm
- Comparison of Distance Vector and Link-state routing protocols
- Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
- OSPF in a single area
- Scaling the network using multiple areas
- Stub areas
- Configuring OSPF with a single area
- Configuring OSPF with multiple areas
- Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) - Balanced hybrid routing protocol
- Avoiding loops with EIGRP
- Configuring EIGRP
- Section summary and end-of-section review questions
12 CCNA 640-801 - Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Fundamentals
- Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
- ICMP - Echo request and echo reply
- ICMP - Destination unreachable
- Network unreachable
- Host unreachable
- Protocol unreachable
- Port unreachable
- Fragementation needed and DF bit set (Can't fragment)
- Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) and Fragmentation
- ICMP - Time exceeded
- ICMP - Redirect
- OSI layer 4 functions
- Connection oriented vs connectionless protocols
- Reliable and un-reliable protocols
- The use of port numbers
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
- The TCP header
- Connection-opening and closing
- Segmentation of data and data sequencing
- Error recovery
- Flow control using windowing
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
- Some TCP/IP and UDP/IP applications
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
- Telnet
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
- Domain Name System (DNS)
- Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- Post Office Protocol - version 3 (POP3)
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
- Section summary and end-of-section review question
13 CCNA 640-801 - Wide Area Networking (WAN) Fundamentals
- Introduction to WAN protocols
- Ponit-to-point WAN protocols and the OSI model
- Layer 1 functions
- Cabling, Clocking, DCEs and DTEs
- Layer 2 functions
- Framing formats
- High Level Data-Link Control (HDLC)
- Point-to-point Protocol (PPP)
- Other WAN technologies
- Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)
- Frame Relay
- Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
- Introduction to WAN remote access
- Overview of Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) Operation
- Switched 64kbit/s channels
- Analogue to digital conversion
- Analogue modems
- Modulation and de-modulation of signals
- Protocols carried across modems
- Modem standards
- Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
- Cable modems
- Section summary and end-of-section review questions
14 CCNA 640-801 - Point-to-point WAN Protocols- WAN Protocols
- High-Level Datalink Control (HDLC)
- HDLC overview
- Configuring HDLC
- HDLC show and debug commands
- Point-to-point Protocol (PPP)
- PPP Session Setup
- PPP Link Control Protocol (LCP)
- LCP features
- Link Quality Monitoring (LQM)
- Magic number for looped link detection
- Multilink PPP
- PAP & CHAP Authentication
- Configuring PPP
- PPP show and debug commands
- Comparing HDLC and PPP
- Section summary and end-of-section review questions
15 CCNA 640-801 - ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) and DDR (Dial-on-demand Routing)- Introduction to ISDN
- ISDN protocol architecture
- ISDN PRI (24B+D and 30B+D) and BRI (2B+D)
- ISDN reference points and functional devices and their application to PRI and BRI
- ISDN PRI framing and physical encoding
- ISDN BRI framing and physical encoding
- ISDN call setup process
- Configuring PRI (DS-1/T1 and E1)
- Configuring BRI
- Multilink PPP with ISDN
- Dial-on-Demand Routing (DDR)
- Configuring DDR
- DDR Configuration Example
- ISDN and DDR show and debug commands
- Section summary and end-of-section review questions
16 CCNA 640-801 - Frame Relay- Frame Relay Introduction
- Frame Relay components
- Frame Relay encapsulation - Cisco and IETF (RFC1490/RFC2427)
- Data Link Connection Identifiers (DLCI) and virtual circuits
- Traffic Parameters and Congestion Control
- Local Management Interface (LMI) - Cisco, ANSI and ITU (q933a)
- Network Layer Considerations
- Inverse ARP (InARP)
- Cisco Router Frame Relay Interfaces & Subinterfaces
- Frame Relay Interface/VC to Subnet/Network Assignment - Full Mesh
- Frame Relay Interface/VC to Subnet/Network Assignment - Partial Mesh
- Frame Relay Interface/VC to Subnet/Network Assignment - Hybrid
- Broadcast handling
- Split Horizon on Frame Relay
- Section summary and end-of-section review questions
17 CCNA 640-801 - IP Access Control Lists- Access Lists
- Standard Access Lists
- Wildcard masks
- Defining standard Access Lists
- Applying standard Access Lists to interfaces
- Configuring Standard Access Lists
- Extended Access Lists
- Defining Extended Access Lists
- Applying Extended Access Lists to interfaces
- Configuring Extended Access Lists
- Named IP Access Lists
- Configuring Named Access Lists
- Controlling vty Access with Access Lists
- Section summary and end-of-section review questions